Clio AI for Data Science Teams

Enhance your Data Science Workflows with AI

Leverage the power of Clio AI's pipelines and data centralization, run your custom models on unstructured data from other teams, get actionable insights, and refine and finetune algos instantly.
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Clio AI is trained on your business data to answer both qualitative and quantitative questions.

Semantically Search across all your documents, business apps, discussions to locate what you need instantly.


Identify Hidden Patterns and Outliers

efficiently search and analyze large datasets, making it easier to identify hidden patterns and detect anomalies. By leveraging Clio AI's capabilities, Data Science teams can uncover anomalies that may have otherwise gone unnoticed, allowing them to take proactive measures, optimize processes, and drive data-driven decision-making.

Accurate Predictions for Future Trends

access a wide range of historical data and leverage its natural language query feature to extract relevant information for forecasting and predictive modeling tasks. By combining Clio AI's semantic search capabilities with advanced modeling techniques, Data Science teams can generate accurate predictions, identify growth opportunities, and optimize strategies for success

Understand and Explain Model Decisions

Search and retrieve relevant information from the underlying data used to train their models. By gaining insights into the contributing factors and patterns within the data, Data Science teams can effectively interpret and explain their models' decisions, increasing transparency, trust, and facilitating collaboration with stakeholders.

Workplace Search that actually works

Supercharge your company's productivity by harnessing the massive reservoir of untapped data and insights.
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Works with your most used tools

Connect your tools, connect your teams. With over 300 apps already available in our directory, your team’s favourite tools are just a click away.
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Private, Secure and Compliant by design

Clio AI is built on foundations of keeping you company data private, secure, and compliant from day one. Built by an experienced team, we understand the constraints and enforce them rigorously

Private Cloud Deployment

We can deploy models on your premises or your private cloud directly. That is, not even a single byte of data is shared with a third party.

Encrypted Models

All the models we deploy and APIs we expose are SHA256 encrypted (like WhatsApp/Signal) making any back and forth of data as secure as possible

SSO + Admin Controls

Authenticating with your company Sign on gives rigorous controls on who can access what data.

Indexing Controls

Clio can build individual or team specific knowledge graphs. You control what data is indexed and available for which team. Right out of the box.

Why Clio AI?

Unlock the most obvious-yet-hidden-in-plain-sight growth hack - enable your employees to work on important things, and reduce their cognitive load and time to resolve blockers.

Fast, efficient, and in-context information to make every employee a super performer.

Spend time thinking not searching. Get a demo today.

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